
Graham Hall Services Summarized

Hone and Execute

Weekly Hour-Long Work Sessions and Unlimited Calls, Text and Email with your Graham Hall coach. Coach is supported by Support Matter Expert (SME).

3 Month Period

4,500 USD

Partner In My Pocket

Unlimited Calls, Text and Email with your Graham Hall Coach. Coach is supported by SME.

1 Month Period

1,800 USD


Etched In Stone

Coaching: calls, text and email from Tom Dolan, who is supported by SME.

No Specified Length of Duration

8,500 USD


Leadership Workshop

Graham Hall for the whole C-suite, the board or your management team. Includes co-drafted agenda, presentation materials, summary and findings.

$7000 plus travel, etc

Graham Hall Partners

Should you request, and should your Graham Hall coach and SME agree, there are industry partners standing by. Graham Hall has vetted each of these providers, based on more than a decade of ongoing partnering and successful, value-exceptional results.

For Select Clients, Graham Hall Consultative Services

Fractional Roles and other post-coaching work from Graham Hall are available as ongoing services. Examples of these include but are not limited to:

Fractional COO: the CEO's areas of need, covered.

Fractional CRO: sales leadership, the way(s) you need it.

M&A Support: lean on Graham Hall for this high stakes work.

Compliance Support: we are ready to help with certification or audit findings.

Liaison to Services: Graham Hall-approved industry partners

Project Management

Compliance Certification and Audit Support

Quality Assurance Testing

Financial Management

Strategic Communications

one on one coaching


Graham Hall Consultative, Additional Detail

Graham Hall Fractional Services

The COO role can vary wildly. Why? The COO’s job is to cover the CEO’s areas of needed support. If you’re the CEO, or part of the leadership apparatus at your company, consider that Graham Hall fractional services could free up growth.

Chief Revenue Officer is a catch-all for sales, biz dev and marketing. Generally, it’s not prudent to combine those, but some Graham Hall coaches have truly seen it all. Send in Graham Hall fractional services if your company’s strength is hidden. Knowing what works, ahead of time, can save a lot of money  and maximize revenue.

Graham Hall Mergers and Acquisitions Support

Your leadership is ready to sell. You have reached that mighty milestone when it’s time to acquire your competitor. A great opportunity to enhance your portfolio is an intellectual property purchase away. Graham Hall is ready and able to help, each coach having led or held leadership roles in completing intellectual property and corporation sale processes.

The requirements for thoroughness in financial management in M&A is extreme. Graham Hall and, especially, its fiscal SMEs are ready to serve.

Graham Hall Compliance Certification Support

Also includes Audit Finding Remediation Support.

Whether a compliance certification allows your company to gain additional funding or a key customer deployment, helps to differentiate you from competitors, or simply enables your product in a highly regulated market, Graham Hall Compliance Cert Support is a way to speed things up.

Also, some companies don’t realize that, when they remediate a rigorous audit, they may be nearly ready for third party certification. That sort of efficiency through awareness is exactly what Graham Hall, especially its SMEs, offer.

Graham Hall Compliance Cert Support covers FDA, ISO and other compliance certifications and regulatory standards.

Connect with Graham Hall

Graham Hall offers a complimentary 30-minute initial consultation. Use the form to get your executive coaching started. Please add any pertinent details, including your industry.

Call or Text Us Today:

(571) 577-9118


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